I just recently hit my (*gasp*) 39th birthday, and while there are parts of me wishing that I could turn back time to 27, most of me is happy to reach level 39 at this simulated life, so to speak. And why shouldn't I be?
As I meet every new moment of now, each and every day, I am further aligning with the core of who I have always been.
I have been and will continue to shed the layers, the masks, the armor that I thought I needed to survive, to face my human brethren, to avoid conflict or to help me maintain just above the waters of life without gulping down enough to drown. I am living out a little bit of what I'm passionate about in a few places and spaces, while further expanding and exploring how I can integrate the whole into a seamless flow that is a win-win for everyone (for myself, for my family, for our community, and for the world beyond). I have now gotten strong enough to not only tread these waters of life, but to start surfing them as well. I am looking forward to when I can not only cut through them effortlessly, but influence the waves that I once thought that I had no control over.
So whether or not you've stumbled across my blog for the first time or not, welcome to a new space for me. One where I will not delete my past, for it is what brought me here, but one where every new moment is what is in the now, and in keeping in line with my original line of thought, you may join me in my lifelong quest to continue to evolve along this journey of life.
Today, we level up together. How?
First step - let's record a review of the past in some concise detail either through an inventory, list, or a short freewrite summary of first reflecting on who you are today. What are the things you love about yourself? What are the things that you find challenging? In this list, we can likely relate the summary of these things to an event (or more accurately for most, a series of events) that contributed either largely or in part to these attributes.
Second steps - let's see if we can link some of these things to each other in some category that makes sense. For example - a few different things might be linked to one particular event or source. Once you've established this (or left things as they were - whatever makes sense to you), establish importance or priority based on what you feel are logical steps to tackling any of the negatives, as well as action steps to increase your positives.
Next steps - level up. Leveling up is aggregate. Affirm and act so that every moment you meet, no matter how great or small, is a step forward and not a step back. Know that even if things seem to be a step backward, it may actually be that you're moving forward. Sometimes, we come full circle of things to learn something new about the cycles we keep living through until we finally get to that point where we can actively step up and into the upward spiral away from where we used to run in simple circles. So long as you don't allow yourself to spiral downwards, you're making progress. And the only way to really do that is to completely forget all that you've learned that helped you move forward to begin with. Even the cells of our body are new every 24 or so hours - we're literally never the same person we were yesterday. Take heart in knowing and living this.
We truly do have the power to shape our lives in a way that is a genuine expression of who we choose to be. We are not victims, no matter how much others might try to make us so. Even if we find ourselves reacting to others around us, it is a choice how we take action to express our response.
Does this mean that in order to level up we become emotionless robots? Not at all. We can fully feel and experience our emotions in response to the world around us, but as we allow ourselves to dive within, we can find constructive ways that bring forth true change and value to this world and that which we have control over in spite of the challenges that try to weigh us down and lead us to that "game over" signal.
Here's a little guided affirmation that I enjoy to help you affirm your level up:
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