Let's get caught up, shall we?
I'm glad to see you all again. Since we last came together, some changes have occurred:
- I'm now working as a trainer ONLY at Bally's in Hayward and a private studio in Redwood City
- I went to L.A. on a mini-vacay to celebrate the wedding of a good friend and support one of the milestones for a client, while also being able to celebrate my eldest child's 4th birthday at the "Happiest Place on Earth" (Disneyland, for those of you who have been hiding under a rock for your whole entire life)
- I'm moving very soon
- I'm starting up a couple small group classes in both Redwood City and Hayward that are specifically geared towards fitness noobs who are interested in getting results in a fast, fun and dynamic 8 weeks
- One of the projects I've been able to be a part of is now available for your pleasure (click here to visit Paul's page and sign up for the newsletter to download the free, 45-page ebook entitled, "The 7 Not-So-Secret Secrets of Aesthetics."
Following some of the things I've spoken about in my earlier blogs from this year, I got myself a head start on some spring cleaning and found myself with a renewed sense of direction along my current path.
The mini-vacay to Southern California was filled with fun, nostalgia, dreams, love, planning and fresh air (maybe not that fresh from a physical persepective... we are speaking about the Greater Los Angeles Area and all...). The beauty of the wedding, the time with the loved ones, viewing magic come to life through the eyes of my little ones and the overall "in the moment" experience of the trip was exactly what my creativity needed for the extra boost forward.
And boy did it all jump forward.
I had become even more determined, upon my return to work and every day life to really simplify.
Something about being at Disneyland with the kiddos sparked its way right through all the layers of consciousness in my mind and heart, finding its way right to some storehouse of my childhood joy, wonder and vision.
I'll often get reflective about my childhood when around the people who filled it, but this time was something different. Almost as if in perfect, chaotic symphony, this was the perfect point of my life to really hit some deep issues that might have served as subconscious blocks to my forward movement in life, while simultaneously unveiling some core, foundational beliefs that help me to be so much more specific about what I want from my life and what I'm willing to do/accept to manifest that which I desire.
Similar to the road to a healthy transformation, I have been working to strip all the unnecessary things from my life the way one works to melt away the unnecessary fat stores all over the body, while conserving the important things the way one would like to conserve muscle mass. It has not - by any means - been a speedy process; however, just the way one's form becomes more apparent with the reduction of body fat, what I have to do and the areas that I need to address have become more apparent as I've stripped down further and further.
Well, how about that? Spring cleaning and we're only a week into Spring.
Soooooo... that said, no better time to clean things up than when you move your home... and no better time to tighten things up than when you're in transition (i.e. work transitions, the nascent phases of new projects, etc.). No? You don't think so? Well, think about it...
When you're moving, you have the opportunity to sort out EVERYTHING in your space and really get rid of things you don't use/need/want anymore, but have either been too lazy or have just not been conscious enough about to bother with. You have the opportunity to plot out your new space to suit your needs.
When you're in the middle of work transitions or the beginning phases of a new job or project, you have a small period of time where you're learning the culture/temperature of your new environment, establishing/learning the standard operating procedures and making the necessary adjustments prior to getting that momentum going and settling into your work groove.
It is during these opportunities that we have the ability to incorporate anything new into our routines; it is these opportunities that afford us the ability to consciously start new pathways in the brain to weaken and override any of the old pathways that no longer serve us or are serving us poorly.
I'd love to hear from you all about how this resonates with your life, if it does. What are the things you're focusing on? What about your life can be simplified and streamlined? Also, if you have any thoughts to share about the way you go about these processes, don't hesitate to do so!
And for now.. until the next time we meet... Happy Spring and Easter to you all. I hope for continued evolution for each one of you as life continues to present opportunities for you to cultivate your inner strength and growth of spirit.
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